Victorian Heritage Services Directory

With 40 years of experience providing expert advice across Ecology and over 25 years in heritage services, we provide you with a comprehensive assessment and evaluation service.

At Biosis our highly skilled heritage team provides practical and innovative solutions based on best-practice approaches and a comprehensive understanding of heritage issues and approvals processes. With a large and dedicated heritage team, Biosis has demonstrated ability and experience across all states and territories.

Our heritage consultants have the expertise, knowledge, and relationships to deliver all aspects of your project, and have a strong understanding of the state, territory, and commonwealth regulatory environments relevant to heritage.

Our staff provide high quality advice throughout a project lifecycle, from project planning and strategic advice, securing approvals as well as the development and actioning of compliance requirements.

Our services include due diligence and project constraints assessments, Aboriginal cultural heritage assessments, cultural heritage management plans, archaeological investigation and analysis, heritage impact assessments and interpretation, cultural values recording, community consultation and conservation management plans.

We have demonstrated our willingness and ability to practice within the terms of the Burra Charter and the Ethical Principles for ICOMOS Members. We are a corporate member of ICOMOS Australia and have current full international ICOMOS members within our teams.

We provide specialist on-ground services and employ sophisticated spatial analysis tools to generate predictive models and management mapping for all project scales. Our GIS specialists work closely with our heritage consultants to develop products that are tailored to your project.

Our Heritage services include:

  • Cultural Heritage Permits (CHP)
  • Cultural Heritage Management Plans (CHMP)
  • Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Land Management Agreements (ACHLMA)
  • Preliminary Aboriginal Heritage Tests (PAHT)
  • Heritage Impact Statements (HIS)
  • Heritage Impact Assessments (HIA)
  • Heritage Management Plans (HMP)
  • Conservation Management Plans (CMP)
  • Existing Conditions Reports for Environmental Effects Statements (EES)
  • Heritage Permits or Heritage Permit Exemptions
  • Consents to Uncover, Excavate, or Damage

Professional Affiliations / Qualifications

Heritage Services: 

Kim White

Qualifications: Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Archaeology and Ancient History

Bachelor of Arts History (University Melbourne)

Professional affiliations:

Listed Heritage Advisor under the requirements of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006.

Gary Vines

Qualifications: Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Archaeology (La Trobe University)

Bachelor of Arts History (University Melbourne)


Professional affiliations:

Full Member – Australian Association of Consultant Archaeologists (AACAI)

Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology (ASHA)

Australian Archaeological Association (AAA)

Society for Industrial Archaeology (SIA) (USA)

Association for Industrial Archaeology (AIA) (UK)

Martin Lawler

Qualifications: Bachelor of Arts (Honours)


Professional affiliations:

Member, Chartered Institute for Field Archaeologists (MCIFA)

Member, Australian Association of Consulting Archaeologists (MAACAI)

Member, Severn Estuary Levels Research Committee

Ashley O’Sullivan

Qualifications: Bachelor of Arts (Archaeology & Anthropology), Bachelor of Arts (Hons, Archaeology)


Professional affiliations:

Australian Archaeological Association (AAA)

Australian Association of Consulting Archaeologists (AACAI)

Don Wallace

Qualifications: Bachelor of Architecture (Honours)

Bachelor of Applied Science (Architectural Science)


Professional affiliations:

Australia ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites)

Claire Nunez


Bachelor of Cultural Heritage Studies, University of Canberra

Diploma of Project Management, University of New England Partnerships

Graduate Certificate of City Planning, University of New South Wales


Professional affiliations:

Australia ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites)—Full International

National Trust of Australia (NSW)

Luke Gunton

Qualifications: Bachelor of Arts – History

In progress – Bachelor of Arts (Honours)

Dr. Samuel Dix


PhD, Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD

Bachelor of Arts (Hons), University of Tasmania

Bachelor of Arts, University of New England, Armidale, NSW


Professional affiliations:

Australian Archaeological Association

Founding Chair, Chartered Institute for Archaeologists Australia Group

Elected Member, Chartered Institute for Archaeologists

State Representative, Australian Archaeological Association (TAS)

State Representative, National Archaeology Week (TAS)

Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology

Association for Industrial Archaeology

Amy Wood

Qualifications: Bachelor of Arts (Honours)

Professional affiliations:


Jane Stadwick

Qualifications: Graduate Certificate in Cultural Heritage Management, Advanced Diploma Art and Design

Registered Heritage Advisor (HA), Department of Premier and Cabinet, Victoria

Professional affiliations:


Planning Services: 

Mitchell Deaves

Qualifications: Bachelor Urban Development (Urban and Regional Planning)

Professional affiliations: Property Council of Australia


Jessica Hurse

Qualifications: Bachelor Urban planning and Development

Professional affiliations: Property Council of Australia


Clare Emery

Qualifications: Bachelor of Property, Post Graduate Diploma (Resource and Environmental Planning)

Professional affiliations: Property Council of Australia




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