NBRS has been involved in building conservation, heritage architecture, and heritage planning for more than 50 years. Our team of highly trained and accredited professionals include heritage consultants, architects and historians who provide a wealth of experience and knowledge to offer a diverse range of heritage-related services. More broadly, NBRS also offers architecture, landscape, and interior design services for projects of all scales.
Under the leadership of Samantha Polkinghorne, the NBRS heritage studio upholds the principles of the Australian ICOMOS Burra Charter for places of Cultural Significance and adopts best practice guidelines, including those prepared by Heritage Victoria. The Victorian team is led by Ruth Redden – principal architect and heritage consultant.
NBRS is committed to delivering high-quality and best-practice advice in the management of cultural heritage places, objects, and landscapes. Our consultancy is centered on delivering timely, accurate, and place-oriented solutions that allow the ongoing conservation, adaptation, environmental sustainability and management of heritage places.
NBRS offer the following professional services:
Heritage Advisory Services:
- Heritage Planning and Statutory Advice
- Heritage Impact Statements
- Conservation Management Plans
Heritage Documentation:
- Conservation Works Documentation
- Conservation Works Schedules
- Conservation Works Specifications
- Coordination of specialist sub-consultants
- Archival Photographic Recording
Adaptive Reuse & Building Compliance Upgrades:
- Heritage Conservation Advisory Services
- Architectural, Landscape and Interior Design and Documentation
- Coordination of specialist sub-consultants
- Fire and accessibility upgrades
- Air conditioning and mechanical services review
The range and variety of our successful projects are a testament to the integrity of our professional opinions and the high quality of our work in Heritage Conservation. To assist clients with all heritage matters, we work with a trusted group of professionals to deliver other services including archaeological, historic landscape, and Aboriginal cultural heritage management advice.
Professional Affiliations / Qualifications
Samantha Polkinghorne (Director / Head of Heritage / Chairwoman)
Master of Cultural Heritage
Bachelor of Architecture
ICOMOS Australia
National Trust
Ruth Redden (Principal)
Master of Architecture
Bachelor of Architecture
Registered Architect (VIC 18147)
Heritage Council Victoria Alternate Member
Australian Passive House Association Member
International Specialised Skills International Fellow
Sophie Bock (Principal)
Master of Urbanism (Heritage Conservation)
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Architecture (Honours)
ICOMOS Australia
Krystal Pua (Associate)
Master of Architecture
Registered Architect (NSW 10559)
Bachelor of Environmental Design (Architecture)
Diploma in Architectural Technology
Australian Institute of Architects
Rosalie Mickan (Senior Heritage Consultant)
Master of Urban and Cultural Heritage
Bachelor of Arts in Art History (Hons First Class)
Bachelor of Arts in Art and Architectural History; English and Cultural Studies
Professional Historians Association Victoria & Tasmania (PHA)
ICOMOS Australia
Interpretation Australia
Dr Elizabeth Offer (Heritage Consultant)
Doctor of Philosophy (History)
Bachelor of Arts in History and Anthropology (Hons First Class)
Graduate Certificate in Museum and Heritage Studies
Professional Historians Association Victoria & Tasmania
ICOMOS Australia
Danial Nabb (Heritage Consultant)
Master of Research
Bachelor of Business & Commerce
Melissa Marland (Historian)
Master of Arts (Ancient History)
Bachelor of Arts in Communications
Bachelor of Teaching