Victorian Heritage Services Directory

Urban History provides expert heritage advice and heritage impact statements to accompany planning applications for renovations, additions or demolitions, as well as expert witness statements to VCAT or Planning Panels. Urban History also provides commissioned histories for organisations and community groups.

Professional Affiliations / Qualifications

Dr Aron Paul is a full member of Australia ICOMOS and the Professional Historians Association (Victoria). He holds a PhD in history (Melbourne) and a Masters in Planning (RMIT).

Urban History

Aron Paul

3/16 Vickery Street, Bentleigh 3204

SHP (Sue Hodges Productions Pty Ltd)

SHP (Sue Hodges Productions Pty Ltd)

SHP (Sue Hodges Productions Pty Ltd) has over 23 years of experience in the heritage sector. We specialise in heritage interpretation but offer a complete range of heritage-based services, including design and fabrication. We aim not only to make heritage relevant and meaningful for clients and audiences but also to produce leading-edge work. Our work…



GML Heritage is one of Australia’s most respected heritage consultancies. We provide balanced solutions for heritage places and communities that respond to our clients’ needs and the complexities, opportunities and challenges of our time. GML’s portfolio includes strategic heritage advice, place-based and social histories, integrated heritage values assessment, and heritage studies across Victoria, conservation management…

Extent Heritage

Extent Heritage

Extent Heritage is one of the largest specialist heritage advisory firms in Australia. We offer our clients more than 30 years of accumulated experience and a comprehensive range of heritage services and specialist expertise. We specialise in built and urban heritage, historical archaeology, landscape heritage, Aboriginal cultural heritage, cultural values assessment, and storytelling through heritage…



With 40 years of experience providing expert advice across Ecology and over 25 years in heritage services, we provide you with a comprehensive assessment and evaluation service. At Biosis our highly skilled heritage team provides practical and innovative solutions based on best-practice approaches and a comprehensive understanding of heritage issues and approvals processes. With a…

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